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Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Tuesday 13.11 Dungeness

A couple of hours late afternoon hoping to see the Common Crane which I was unable to trace. Banacle goose and many thousands of Starlings around the wind turbines. Returned via marshroads behind dymchurch large flock of Fieldfares but still unable to find any redwings which were probably amongst the Fieldfare but due to light conditions unable to be sure. No owls / harriers
Still hoping for partridge.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Friday 09.11 Dungeness

Phil Sharp and Alan Roman planned a visit to Dungeness and invited me along. Meeting at the Power Station there was a quick sea watch with one Guillimot and plenty of close up Gannets in the very short time we were there little else was noted. We then made an attempt for the Glaucous and Yellow legged , I saw the Glaucous in Flight but Phil missed it.
There was nothing reported on the visitor center notice board so a quick trip to Midgely for the 2 whoopers also seen was a large flock if Fieldfare and then to Scotney for the Barnacle geese. Returned to Arc for lunch and added nothing of interest. So back to the reserve still no sign of LongTailed Duck although it was reported from Dennis hide. But the notice board now reported a common Crane on Scotney something else we missed.
My first long Bird watch since my back was damaged so retreated home at 2.30 and suffered the rest of the evening.
57 species

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Wednesday 07.11 Dungeness

With 2 hours to kill a visit to the reserve was on the cards.
From Dennis hide 2 Great White Egrets showed well but the advertised Longtailed Duck was not visible.
A very white Buzzard was seen over St Boltophs Bridge on the return home.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Thursday 05.11 Romney Marsh/ Dungeness

Morning drive over the marsh from Dymchurch to Burmash looking for winter thrushes which are missing from my local list.The Hawthorn bushes are alive with berries and looked fantastic in the early morning sunshine. No Thrushes seen but a very close encounter with a Buzzard was entertaining. Afternoon visit to Dungeness dipped on Great White Egret and Long Tailed Duck once again. Stonechats and Marsh Harriers on the reserve.
A drive down to Fishing Boats found a yellow legged Gull lounging on the beach. returning via Scotney showed Barnacle goose and 2 blue phase Snow Geese on Romney Marsh 2 Meadow Pipits but again still no thrushes.